Sabtu, 03 April 2010

Cappucino Brownies

Not in a good mood... itu yang aku rasakan hari ini, rasanya pengen rebahan aja di kamar... nikmati suasana tanpa suara sambil tutup mata..ahh nikmatnya!
Tapi ga tau kenapa susah banget mau melakukannya... alih-alih akhirnya 2 jari telunjukku malah menari-nari diatas laptop, apalagi kalo bukan posting resep..heheheeeee

Cappucino Brownies ini aku buat kemarin sore tuk nemani minum kopi suami dan teh anak-anak, ada sisa beberapa potong tuk dipotret... perlu foto tuk visual info supaya sharing resepnya lebih afdol :))

175 gr Mentega Tawar
1/4 st Garam
150 g White Cooking Chocolate, potong-potong.
2 sachet Bubuk Kapucino (aku pake Instant Cappucino)
50 gr Gula Pasir Halus
4 Kuning Telur 
2 Putih Telur
150 gr Tepung Terigu Protein Sedang
20 gr Susu Bubuk
1/2 st Baking Powder
25 gr Meises

Panaskan mentega dan garam. Matikan api. Masukkan potongan white chocolate. Aduk sampai coklat larut. Tambahkan bubuk kapucino dan gula. Aduk rata.

Masukkan telur satu persatu sambil diaduk rata dengan whisk. Tambahkan terigu, susu dan baking powder sambil diayak dan diaduk rata.

Masuk meises. Aduk rata.

Tuang di loyang 30x10x4 cm yang diolesi margarin dan dialas kertas roti.

Oven 35 menit dengan api bawah suhu 180 derajat Celcius sampai matang.

Kamis, 01 April 2010

Banana Bread

I like to cook and bake a simple recipe, something that very easy to make and need less ingredients like this one. Banana Bread, I copy the recipe from

Preheat the oven to 350.
In one bowl, combine:
1/2 stick (4-5 tablespoons) butter, softened
2 eggs
2 or 3 very ripe bananas
2/3 cup sugar (I used 1/2 cup)

Use a potato masher, fork, or spoon to squish the banana and mix the ingredients together. It is alright for there to be small (1 centimeter) chunks of banana in the batter, but you want most of the banana to be reduced to mush.

In another bowl, combine:
1 1/3 cup all-purpose unbleached flour
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)

Combine the wet and dry ingredients and mix until the ingredients are blended together.
If you like, stir in additional ingredients here, such as chopped walnuts or pecans, dried cherries or apricots, or chocolate chips. A handful (about a half a cup) is about right.
Pour the dough into greased baking pans and bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Small loaves take around 30 minutes, a normal-sized loaf takes around 50 minutes.
Remove from the oven. This bread is great warm, but it is excellent cold too.

After they have cooled for 5 or 10 minutes the loaves can be removed from the pan to cool. Once they are cool they can be individually wrapped and frozen.